At our four Oregon Ronald McDonald Houses, we are always ready to care for families traveling to receive the lifesaving and life-changing medical care their child needs. Although it costs RMHC approximately $250 per night per family to provide crucial housing, programming and support, we proudly offer our services at $0 charge to families. We are honored to care for these seriously ill or injured children and their families all across Oregon and to provide a home away from home – all at no cost to them.
We would be honored to welcome and care for your family at any one of our four Oregon Houses. Every year RMHC of Oregon & SW Washington provides comfortable rooms, beautiful spaces, and a community of support to families who are traveling to receive medical care.
Copyright 2025 Ronald McDonald House Charities of Oregon & SW Washington
The following trademarks used herein are owned by McDonald’s Corporation and its affiliates; McDonald’s, Ronald McDonald House Charities, Ronald McDonald House Charities Logo, RMHC, Ronald McDonald House, Ronald McDonald Family Room, Ronald McDonald Care Mobile and Keeping families close.
Ronald McDonald House Charities of Oregon & SW Washington is recognized as a public charity under Internal Revenue Code section 509(a) and has 501(c)(3) status. Donations to Ronald McDonald House Charities of Oregon & SW Washington are deductible. Donors should consult their tax advisor for questions regarding deductibility. A copy of the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Oregon & SW Washington determination letter is available upon request.